
Western Division AFS Bylaws

SECTION I. Division Name and Objectives.

1. Pursuant to the Constitution of the American Fisheries Society (hereinafter referred to as the Society) there has been established within the Society a Western Division (hereinafter referred to as the Division).

2. The objectives of the Division shall be those set forth in Article I of the Constitution of the Society, and additional objectives include:

A. Provide a forum for the exchange of technical and policy information common to and of interest to the Division membership.

B. Promote awareness among Division members, public officials, and the general public of the nature and extent of fishery matters of concern to the Division membership.

C. Facilitate the timely exchange of information among Division units, Student Subunits, and members of the Division.

D. Provide a vehicle for the active participation of individual members in Society business and professional activities.

SECTION II. Division Membership.

1. The membership of the Division shall be those Society members in good standing residing in the States of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming in the United States of America; U.S. islands and trust territories in the West Pacific Ocean (including the islands of Midway, Baker, Jarvis, Wake, Palmyra, and Howland; Johnston Atoll; Commonwealth of the North Mariana Islands; and Territories of Guam and American Samoa); the Provinces of British Columbia and the Yukon Territory in Canada; Mexico; and individuals residing in other Divisions who elect to be members of the Western Division.

2. All Society members residing in places identified in Section II.1 are automatically members of the Division. They may elect to be a member of another Division upon notification of the Executive Director of the Society in writing.

3. Individuals residing in places other than those identified in Section II.1 may become Division members upon notification of the Executive Director of the Society in writing.

4. Only a Society member of the Division, in good standing, may be a voting member, hold office, or chair a committee.

SECTION III. Division Officers and Representatives.

1. The officers of the Division shall be the President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, and Past President. The Executive Committee of the Division comprises these officers, the elected Student Representative, and the elected Division Chapter Presidents.

A. All officer candidates shall be Society members in good standing for at least two years immediately preceding their nomination. Candidates should have served as officers within a Chapter, another Division or in a similar position with another organization prior to seeking candidacy in the Division. Candidates should have attended a Division annual meeting in one of the preceding three years.

B. Candidates for officer positions shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee. Officers shall be elected by a majority of ballots cast from the membership.

C. The Division President, President-Elect, Vice President, and Past President shall serve for one year in each office for a four year tenure, and shall be ineligible for election to the office of Vice President for a period of one year after the expiration of their term.

D. The Secretary-Treasurer shall serve for a period of two years and shall be eligible for re- election for a maximum of two consecutive terms. Individuals may not run again for Secretary-Treasurer for a year after completing their second term.

E. The officers and representatives shall assume office at such time as the Society’s officers are installed.

F. If an elected officer or representative cannot complete their term of office, the Executive Committee is authorized to appoint a replacement to serve the remainder of the unexpired term until the annual election is held.

G. Division officers and representatives shall receive no salary or other compensation. Expenses may be defrayed from Division funds when authorized by the Executive Committee.

H. An officer may be removed from office for negligence, lack of performance, or other reasons substantially detrimental to the Division upon 2/3 vote by the remainder of the Executive Committee, in which case the Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement to serve the remainder of the unexpired term.

I. Candidates for the Student Representative position shall be in good standing as undergraduate or graduate student members of the Society from a recognized Division Chapter. Candidates will be self-nominated or nominated by another Society member in the Division. The Student Representative shall be elected by a majority of ballots cast only from students in good standing with either a recognized Student Subunit or Chapter within the Division.

J. The Student Representative shall serve for a period of two years. The Student Representative must be an undergraduate or graduate student in good standing when elected. Graduation does not affect the term in office. If the Student Representative is unable or does not wish to serve for the second year of their term the Executive Committee must be notified in writing at least one month prior to annual elections. Individuals may not run again for Student Representative for one year after completing their term.

2. As defined in the Society’s Constitution, the representatives for the Division in Society matters shall be the Division Representatives to the Society Governing Board, Society Management Committee, Society Nominating Committee, and other Society Committees as requested.

A. The President and President-Elect shall represent the Division as voting members of the Society Governing Board and will serve for a one-year term. The President may designate a proxy should either of these officers be unable to attend a Governing Board meeting provided the Executive Director is notified in writing in advance of the meeting. This proxy may be any Past President or elected officer of the Division not currently a member of the Governing Board or acting as a proxy.

B. The President-Elect elected into office on even years shall represent the Division as a voting member of the Society Management Committee (as defined in the Society’s Rules). The President-Elect remains on the committee for a two-year term serving through their presidential year. Proxies for the Management Committee are determined by Society Rules.

C. The President-Elect elected into office on odd years shall represent the Division as a member of the Society’s Nominating Committee. The President Elect remains on the committee for a two-year term, serving through their past-presidential year. If the President-Elect is unable to fulfill these duties, the Division will elect one representative by a majority of ballots cast from the Executive Committee or appoint one representative to the Society Nominating Committee as defined in the Society’s Rules. The representative shall be a member in good standing.

D. The Vice-President shall represent the Division as a member of the Society’s Membership Committee as defined in the Society’s Rules.

SECTION IV. Duties of Elected Division Officers and Student Representative.

1. The President shall:

A. Preside at all Division meetings;

B. Serve as Chair of the Executive Committee;

C. Represent the Division as a member of the Society’s Governing Board;

D. Appoint committee chairs;

E. Perform other duties and functions as are authorized, necessary, and further described within the Division Procedures;

F. Automatically advance to the office of Past President at the conclusion of the term of office.

2. The President-Elect shall:

A. Assume the duties of the President should the President be absent or unable to act;

B. Represent the Division as a member of the Society’s Governing Board;

C. Represent the Division as a member of the Society’s Management Committee if elected into office in an even year, and continue to serve on the Management Committee through his/her Presidency;

D. Represent the Division as a member of the Society’s Nominating Committee ifelected into office in an odd year, and continue to serve on the Nominating Committee through his/her year as Past President;

E. Serve as Co-Chair of the Program Committee;

F. Perform other duties and functions as are authorized, necessary, and further described within the Division Procedures;

G. Automatically advance to the office of President at the conclusion of the term of office.

3. The Vice President shall:

A. Assume the duties of the President-Elect should the President-Elect be absent, unable to act, or assumes the Presidency;

B. Serve as Chair of the Division’s Membership Committee;

C. Serve as a member of the Division’s Program Committee;

D. Serve as a member of the Society’s Membership Committee;

E. Perform other duties and functions as are authorized, necessary, and further described within the Division Procedures;

F. Automatically advance to the office of President-Elect at the conclusion of the term of office.

4. The Secretary-Treasurer shall:

A. Keep the official records of the Division;

B. Conduct Division correspondence;

C. Manage the Division budget;

D. Collect and be custodian for any fees or assessments authorized by these Bylaws or funds allotted to the Division by the Society;

E. Disburse funds only as authorized by the membership or Executive Committee;

F. Submit minutes of the annual Division meeting to the Executive Director of the Society within 30 days of the meeting;

G. Perform other duties and functions as are authorized, necessary, and further described within the Division Procedures.

5. The Past President shall:

A. Serve as Chair of the Division’s Nominating Committee;

B. Serve as Chair of the Division’s Awards committees;

C. Serve on the Division’s Resource Policy and Environmental Concerns Committee;

D. Perform other duties and functions as are authorized, necessary, and further described within the Division Procedures.

6. The Student Representative shall:

A. Serve on the Executive Committee as a liaison between students and the Division;

B. Perform other duties and functions as are authorized, necessary, and further described within the Division Procedures.

SECTION V. Division Executive Committee.

1. The Division Executive Committee shall consist of the five elected officers (President, President-Elect, Vice President, Past President, and Secretary-Treasurer), the President of each Chapter within the Division, and the Student Representative.

2. All members of the Executive Committee share equal voting rights.

3. Each member of the Executive Committee shall have one vote on Executive Committee decisions. The President may vote only in the event of a tie.

4. The Executive Committee is authorized to act for the Division between meetings and transact necessary business.

5. The Executive Committee may levy such special fees as may be necessary to meet any expenses of the Division.

6. A quorum for an Executive Committee meeting shall consist of a majority of the elected officers and one-third of the Chapter Presidents. If unable to attend an Executive Committee meeting, a Chapter President may appoint any Chapter Past President or one of the current Chapter officers to represent the Chapter, with full voting rights. If such substitution is made, the Division Secretary-Treasurer or President shall be notified prior to the meeting.

7. The Executive Committee meets in conjunction with the annual Division meeting and approximately midyear between annual meetings. Such meetings are open to Division members.

SECTION VI. Division Annual Governance (or Business) Meeting and


1. The Division shall meet at least once a year at a time and place decided at least two years in advance by the Executive Committee.

2. Special meetings may be called by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee, or by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee.

3. When mutually agreeable, the Division may meet jointly with other organizations or with other units of the Society in accordance with the Society Rules.

4. When authorized by the Executive Committee, meetings and voting may be conducted using electronic media.

5. Decisions at a meeting of the Division shall be by a majority of those voting except in the case of amendments to the Bylaws (see Section VIII), suspension of the Standing Rules (requires a two-thirds majority), or as otherwise specified in the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.

6. A quorum at the annual meeting of the Division for the transaction of official business shall be at least 20 members in good standing.

7. Election of officers and the Student Representative shall be by electronic ballot/survey. Elections for officers shall be open to membership for 30 days and open to only student members for the Student Representative. Results shall be announced at the Division Annual business meeting. The procedure for the conduct of the officer’s ballot shall be determined by the Executive Committee and executed by the Secretary-Treasurer. The procedure for the conduct of the Student Representative ballot shall be determined and executed by the Secretary-Treasurer.

SECTION VII. Division Standing and Special Committees.

1. Standing Committees, composed of Division members in good standing, shall be organized by the President together with their chairpersons. Standing committees shall assist the President and the Executive Committee in conducting the affairs of the Division. The chair of each Standing Committee shall report their committees’ activities, findings, and recommendations at annual and interim meetings of the Division and Executive Committee (if time allows). The term of duty for members of Standing Committees shall extend from their appointment to the end of the following annual meeting, unless otherwise specified. Division committees shall work in close coordination with comparable committees of the Society. The structure and operating procedures of all committees are briefly described below, with details listed in the Division Procedures.

2. The Division has established the following Standing Committees:

A. Arrangements Committee. The Chair and at least three members shall be responsible for making all arrangements for the annual meeting, exclusive of program, to include lodging, meals, pre-registration, and registration, publicity and any other needed facilities or equipment.

B. Audit Committee. The Chair and at least one member shall audit the financial records of the Division and report to the Executive Committee concerning the results and any recommendations at any of the Executive Committee Meetings (monthly or annual meetings).

C. Awards Committee. The Chair (Past President) and at least two members shall be responsible for seeking nominees and applications for the annual awards of the Division.

D. Division Archivist. A committee of one shall be responsible for organizing, maintaining, and storing the Division records.

E. Resource Policy and Environmental Concerns Committee. The Chair and at least two members (including the Past President) shall research issues, develop appropriate responses in accordance with the Division and Society advocacy procedures, review internal and external policy, and serve as council to the Executive Committee. The Chair shall also serve on the Society Resolutions Committee as an ex officio member.

F. Financial Sustainability Committee. The Chair and at least two members shall be responsible for making investment recommendations to the Executive Committee and review the investments quarterly (minimum). Periodic review of the Division’s grantsfunding criteria and fund-raising activities may be coordinated under the Financial Sustainability Committee through ad hoc committees appointed by the President.

G. Membership Committee. The Chair (Vice President) and the Chair of each Chapter Membership Committee within the Division shall undertake to maintain the current membership and recruit new members from those eligible within the Division boundaries. The Chair shall also serve on the Society Membership Committee.

H. Nominating Committee. The Chair (Past President) and at least two members appointed by the Chair shall recommend a slate of candidates for offices of the Division.

I. Program Committee. The President-Elect and a member from the host state, province, island, or territory shall be appointed by the host state’s President as co-chairs. These individuals, and at least three members (including the Vice President), shall organize an annual program that will include technical sessions for contributed posters and papers, and invited symposia or workshops on topics relating to the field of fisheries.

J. Diversity and Inclusion Committee. The Chair and at least two members shall maintain a work plan that accomplishes the committee’s mission to support and encourage the equitable opportunity for all fisheries professionals to participate within the Division without regard to gender or gender identity, race, national origin, ethnicity, religion, age, sexual orientation, physical or cognitive ability, political affiliation, or family, marital or economic status and to foster an inclusive climate within the Division.

K. Early Career Professional Committee. The Chair and at least two members shall maintain a work plan that promotes the professional development of early career professionals (individuals within five years of terminal graduation).

L. Western Native Fishes Committee. The Chair and at least two members shall maintain a work plan that accomplishes the committee’s mission to promote stewardship of native fishes within the boundaries of the Western Division through information sharing (e.g., symposia, publications, and databases) and professional development.

3. Special Committees may be created by the Chapter Executive Committee for a specific purpose and are to be dissolved when their purpose is fulfilled. Details for Special Committees are available in the Division Procedure Manual.

SECTION VIII. Division Bylaws, Standing Rules and Procedures.

1. The Bylaws are the defining document for the Division and take precedence over all Standing Rules and Procedures of the Division. The Bylaws cannot be suspended and cannot be changed without prior notice to members as follows. Bylaws can be amended at anytime throughout the year.

A. The Bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 majority of voting members provided that the proposed amendment(s) are circulated in writing (i.e., website, listserv) to the membership at least 30 days prior to voting. Voting will be open for two weeks post membership review.

B. In accordance with the Society Constitution, an adopted amendment shall be reviewed by the Society’s Constitutional Consultant for conformity with the Constitution, Rules, andProcedures of the Society prior to membership vote. The Constitutional Consultant presents the adopted amendment as approved by the Division members to the Society Management Committee for approval.

C. The amended Bylaws will take effect after receiving written notice from the Society’s Executive Director.

2. The Standing Rules are the next highest level of documentation of Division operations. The Standing Rules are generally established to facilitate the conduct of Division business, and to describe duties and responsibilities of officers and committees. The Standing Rules may be suspended or amended as follows:

A. The Standing Rules may be suspended during an Executive Committee meeting until the next annual or special Division meeting by a 2/3 majority of the Executive Committee.

B. The Standing Rules may be suspended for the duration of a meeting by a 2/3 majority of members voting at an annual or special Division meeting.

C. The Standing Rules may be amended by a simple majority of members voting at an annual or special Division meeting.

3. The Procedures are the lowest level of documentation of Division operations. The Procedures are generally established to provide continuity in the conduct of Division business. The Procedures may be suspended or amended by a simple majority vote of the Executive Committee.

Revised Dates: December 2011, December 2015, May 2017, April 2018, June 2023