The Salvelinus confluentus Curiosity Society (ScCS) was formed in 1989 by biologists and bull trout enthusiasts to facilitate sharing information about the species and to promote its conservation. In 2019 ScCS developed an online digital library focused on bull trout. The library is a collection of more than 9,000 publications, data, presentations, and other information dealing with species from the earliest reports to the most recent work across its range in the US and Canada. The library centralizes all of that material making it simpler to find and readily accessible on the web. ScCS also maintains a mailing list to announce additions to the library so that subscribers are made aware of new information as it becomes available. The bull trout library is a “living” library, and it depends you to put it to use and help keep it complete and up to date.

The Salvelinus confluentus Curiosity Society (ScCS) and Western Division of the American Fisheries Society are pleased to announce the location and dates of the 2024 ScCS meeting. The meeting will be held along the banks of the Methow River from September 17-19, near Mazama, WA. We recognize this location is within the ancestral homeland of the Methow People and we honor their long relationship and stewardship to the lands and waters of the Methow Valley.

The Methow River watershed is located along the east slope of the North Cascades Mountains and drains over a million acres down to its confluence with the (currently impounded) Columbia River. The Methow River Core Area is a portion of the Mid-Columbia Recovery Unit and supports a complex bull trout population including at least 10 local populations that are comprised of fluvial, adfluvial, and resident populations.

Attendees will be staying at the Rolling Huts event center ( with the camping/housing/meals fee included within a tiered registration structure based on housing choice of which there are several and available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Being true to the roots of the ScCS we will be using the meeting as an opportunity to bring bull trout researchers, managers, and appreciators from across the range of bull trout to share perspectives on bull trout management, conservation, and research, collect vital field data, and have lots of fun doing it!

The vision and theme for the 2024 meeting is “Raising Awareness”; which recognizes the challenges bull trout face in light of a rapidly shifting climate. As denizens of cold-water habitats, raising awareness of bull trout and their need for cold, clean, and connected waters is a path to highlight the opportunities and challenges of protecting and preserving cold water habitats for future generations of bull trout, ecosystems, and humans.

Registration for the 2024 ScCS Annual Meeting is open HERE.  Click on the details tab for registration ticket sales.

For information, please contact John Crandall, [email protected].

History of the Salvelinus confluentus Curiosity Society

Click here to learn more about the ScCS Bull Trout Library

Click here for the Bull Trout Library Quick Start Guide — Become a member today!

2021 ScCS Annual Virtual Meeting – Watch recorded sessions here