To date the project has been successful in adding two salmon tanks to the Kuspuk School District (KSD). We were also able to work with other teachers in the KSD to incorporate three of their existing salmon tanks to our project for a total of five salmon tanks. In August, the Kuskokwim Native Association (KNA) fisheries department worked with the interested teachers on applying for the necessary permits to obtain salmon eggs for the incubation tanks. The permits were obtained and the eggs were received, in the eyed-stage, by the KNA and teachers in late November. In December some of the teachers had reported the eggs had hatched. By mid-January all teachers reported their eggs had hatched and the salmon were in the alevin stage. The teachers are enjoying having a salmon tank in their classroom and have expressed that it has enhanced their teaching and the students learning. As the salmon continue through the early life-stages the students will have much to see and learn.
Below are listed the teacher and location for each salmon tank. The two salmon tanks we have provided are in Aniak and Crooked Creek.
Jenny Moser
Joseph & Olinga Gregory Elementary School
Upper Kalskag, AK
Jessica Keller
Zackar Levi Elementary School
Lower Kalskag, AK
Emily Vanderpool
Annie Mary Nicoli Elementary School
Aniak, AK
Angela Hayden
Jack Egnaty Sr. School
Sleetmute, AK
Ben Herrington
Johnnie John Sr. School
Crooked Creek, AK
Thank you, again, for funding this project. It has been successfully received in the communities of our area and it has grown into a project that can be carried on by the KNA fisheries staff and teachers of the KSD.