
2025 Western Division and Colorado/Wyoming AFS Annual Meeting

Dates: May 11-15, 2025

Location: Westin Westminster in Westminster, Colorado

Call for Abstracts – Oral & Poster Presentations – Deadline 2/21/2025

             The AFS Western Division and the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter are excited to host a joint annual meeting in Westminster, Colorado, from May 11 to 15, 2025.  The theme of the meeting is Building Resilience: Investments in Fish Passage, Habitat Restoration, and Hatchery Modernization.  The Westminster Program Committee invites abstracts for paper and poster presentations, particularly ones supporting the meeting theme and advancing the fisheries profession.  Please be aware that this meeting is being planned as in-person only (no virtual options).

Meeting Website

Meeting Theme: Building Resilience: Investments in Fish Passage, Habitat Restoration, and Hatchery Modernization- Substantial resources, such as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act, Inflation Reduction Act, and other funding initiatives, are being allocated in the US and Canada to enhance fish passage and habitat restoration projects in an effort to increase resilience in fish populations and their ecosystems.  Concurrently, both public agencies and private aquaculture are focusing on modernizing existing hatcheries and designing new facilities to withstand future climate challenges.

Abstracts can be submitted for a live, in-person presentation. We are accepting presentations on any topic (contributed papers and posters) and for the symposia below. Symposia descriptions are posted on the Symposia page.

  • Aquatic Connectivity, A Multidimensional Opportunity
  • Best of the West: The Future of Research in the Western Division AFS
  • Building Resilience: Investments in Habitat Restoration and Protection to Improve the Status of Fish Populations
  • Bull trout
  • Fish Passage & Screening – Challenges, Responsibilities, Opportunities and Examples
  • Hook, Line, and Thinker: Innovative Approaches to Non-native Fish Removal for Native Species Conservation
  • History of Aquatic Habitat Restoration in Western U.S. Streams
  • Restoring Riverscape Health and Fish Populations: Programs, Tools, and Science to Support and Prioritize Restoration
  • The New Wave of Hatchery Modernization- Innovations and Challenges
  • Transformational Federal Fish Passage and Restoration Efforts under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act
  • Western Native Fishes

Authors are encouraged to contact symposium organizers to determine if their presentation is suitable. Abstracts submitted to symposium sessions that are not selected for inclusion will be considered for inclusion in a contributed topic session.


Please prepare abstracts to include the following:

  1. Name of the presenter with affiliation and email address
  2. Names of all authors with affiliations and email addresses
  3. Symposium Choice- leave blank if a Contributed Presentation
  4. Contributed Presentation type- oral or poster, leave blank if submitting to a symposium
  5. Student Presenter- yes or no
  6. Title (<150 characters, including spaces) do not use all caps when entering the title
  7. Abstract (300 words or less)
  8. Key words (2 to 4)


Submit abstracts at Abstract Submission – WDAFS May 2025 – Google Forms by February 21. Please contact the Program and Symposia Chair Tim Copeland ([email protected]) for questions about abstract submissions.